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'the life you choose...'

A new year surprise for Jason who 'gets a foot in the door'!

Hello everyone, Jason here with another blog for you.

Happy New Year to you all, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I went to my Mum’s for Christmas, it was lovely.

Today me and my supporter went for a walk in Sheringham town. It was very quiet and the sea was calm, it was so peaceful hearing the sounds of the sea. We ended up having lunch in Street Boss.

I have some exciting news!  Some weeks ago, I auditioned for a show at the Little Theatre but I didn’t get the part but… I was offered to help backstage! I can’t wait, at least I got my foot in the door as my Mum would say, ha ha!

Just a small blog this time. I hope you stay safe and I see you all soon.


Jason in Sheringham

Jason in Sheringham

New Year fireworks

New Year fireworks

Jason at the Little Theatre

Jason at the Little Theatre



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