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It's been a fabulous summer - catch up with the latest from Jason

Hello everyone Jason here with another blog for you.

As most of you know, during the summer I was working in Tesco – it was great! I have finished now but they might ask me back at Christmas and I’m happy to go back then.

In the middle of summer we had the Sheringham Carnival and there were lots of fun activities for kids and adults alike to join in with, like drawing on walls with chalk. Yes, I drew an owl! Another time there was a treasure hunt where I had to look in shop windows and find an item that didn’t belong there, for example a cookie cutter in a clothes shop. Then on the last day of carnival week they had a parade, yes the weather was lovely.

Me and my supporter have been going to the Priory Maze as we love to see if we can spot a new plant that we haven’t seen since last time, sometimes we notice something new. My favourite spot is the dipping pond. As most of you know I love nature and wildlife, well last time we went I had a go at the dipping pond and it was the best day as in the net I managed to scoop out a whole family of stickleback fish – much to the amazement of the children who were dipping too! The fish were released after a few pictures.

It was a lovely summer, but also a very, very hot dry one. I hope you all had a great summer and stayed cool.

From Jason

Jason chalking an owl on the wall

Jason chalking an owl on the wall


The carnival parade at Sheringham

The carnival parade at Sheringham


Plants at the Priory Maze

Plants at the Priory Maze


Jason at the Priory Maze

Jason at the Priory Maze


Jason's catch in the dipping pond

Jason's catch in the dipping pond


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