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Keeping safe from scammers - a cautionary tale from the Equal Brewkery

We were sad to hear that one of our supporters at The Equal Brewkery had recently fallen victim to an online scam.

The person was contacted by someone who said they had won £280k but to be able to claim it they had to buy a series of gift cards and send the codes to a Facebook account. Over several months they spent more than £2000 and nobody knew about it until their family found out. They are now in contact with the police, who are attempting to help but think it is unlikely any of the money will be recovered.

Anyone can get caught out by scammers, but older and disabled people can be particularly vulnerable and we are sharing this story to help raise awareness and prevent the same thing happening to someone else.

Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board has produced an easy read Guide to Keeping Safe From Scams which highlights some of the things to be aware of. 

The Brewkery has set up a Just Giving page to try and raise back the money that has been lost. At the time of writing, this had raised an amazing £1445 towards their £2000 target, so huge thanks to everyone who has donated.


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